Almost all of the information in Excel is saved in a cell or cell range so before you can enter, edit. For example, if you select two rows and then click Insert Table Rows Above, Excel inserts two rows above the selected rows. Step 3: Under Find and Select list click Go To Special. Selecting cells is an important skill in Excel.

In the Editing Group click Find and Select. You can use the Delete key on your keyboard to delete content from multiple cells. Step 2: Select the whole table and go to the Home tab. In Excel cell function and references are helpful to better understand. We are going to remove blank cells from this table. You can select non-sequential rows by pressing “Ctrl” as you click on the row numbers for the rows you want to select. Step 1: Create a table the same as in the picture above which has many unnecessary cells and rows blank in excel. NOTE: To hide multiple rows, select the rows first by clicking and dragging over the range of rows you want to hide, and then right-click on the selected rows and select “Hide”. To hide an entire row, right-click on the row number and select “Hide”. If you have a large worksheet, you might want to hide some rows and columns for data you don’t currently need to view. Also, the original value in the hidden cell will be replaced with the new value or formula that you type into the cell. NOTE: If you type anything into cells in which you hid the content, it will automatically be hidden after you press “Enter”. To unhide the content in the cells, follow the same steps listed above, but choose the original number category and type for the cells rather than “Custom” and the three semicolons. The data in the selected cells is now hidden, but the value or the formula is still in the cell and displays in the “Formula Bar”.